About Us

In 2020 I became a Born Again Christian.  Amen and Hallelujah.  From 2008 to 2019, I achieved and owned four businesses in the world.  But My Father had plans for me, when I gave my YES to God, I let go of all the worldly things in my life.  Father began to create a new me for HIS purposes, HIS will for me, but most importantly HIS LOVE FOR ME.
You see Father see's us as HIS FINISHED PRODUCT.   Father's love is so PURE and UNCONDITIONAL for each and every one of us. As we are all the APPLE OF FATHER'S EYE.  
Father is YOUR FIRST LOVE. I was so broken that all I had was my heart and yes.  That's all Father needs and Father will do the rest.  All you need is FAITH, OBEDIENCE to do HIS WILL.
Since 2020 I have not worked or earned any income, I consecrated myself to GOD, for 3 years, in my bedroom with song, praise, reading scripture. No-one saw me other than buying grocery or running errands.  My Father provided for all my worldly needs.  Meaning Father sends the people to you to provide your worldly needs. Therefore my pray is FATHER,  AS THEY HAVE BLESSED ME, MAY YOU BLESS THEM ABUNDANTLY IN RETURN.
Father's GRACE AND FAVOUR belongs to each and every one of us, AMEN
Father has blessed me with Kingdom Apparel.  Father is the CEO of Kingdom Apparel.  For it belongs to Father, I am his steward, his humble servant.  Kingdom Entrepreneur  God is in this story in every detail.  When Father open's the door, no man can close it, for it is Father's WILL.
I thank each and every one that sow's into Kingdom Apparel.  My prayer for you "Father, hear my prayer for your son/daughter, place the full armor of God upon them FATHER.  May they burn for you JESUS, ignite in them OH LORD a burning fire, fill them with the HOLY SPIRIT.  May they be filled with the love of KING JESUS, most importantly YAHWEH (I AM WHO I AM), EL ELYON (THE MOST HIGH GOD), EL SHADDAI (GOD ALMIGHTY). 
And they were calling to one another; "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory."
Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all round, even under it's wings.  Day and night they never stop saying.
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty; who was, and is, and is to come."
Each item purchased has been prayed over.  I pray for Father's abundant blessing and protection over you and your families.
Thank you for reading my testimony. 
Kingdom Apparel 
Daughter of the Most High King 
Kingdom Entrepeneur.