About Us
I was born and raised in New Zealand my siblings, and I were blessed to be nurtured by a loving mother and caring extended family. I married in 2009 and my husband and I moved to Samoa in 2008. We have one son, John-Paul, who is my gift from God and the apple of my eye. We divorced in 2019 after a 27-year relationship. That's when Jesus walked into my life.
During the span of 15 years living in Apia, Samoa from (2008 – 2019) I owned and operated a succession of businesses, four in total, each more successful than the previous one. However, I felt an emptiness deep inside my spirit that none of these worldly successes could appease or fill.
In early 2020 I gave my heart to God and I became reborn again by the Holy Spirit, in Christ Jesus. All honor and glory to God! Amen and Hallelujah!
I believe my Father has plans for me, and when I said YES to Him, He took away my desire for the things of this world, and created in me a new life, and a desire to live for Him and to realize His purpose and His will for my life and most importantly to know Him intimately and to feel His love for me.
Our heavenly Father's love is pure and unconditional and He loves each of us equally. He
wants us to know Him in an intimate way and to return to Him for we are His children His
creation and the apple of His eye. All we have to do is to heed His call, say Yes, then live a
purpose filled life according to His will. And we must have the willingness to listen to His
voice and obey Him and not lean on our own human desires and understandings.
I was a broken vessel and God saw my brokenness. He waited patiently, in love, for me to
invite Him into my broken heart. When I opened the door and said YES, He entered my very being and I became a new person a new life in Christ Jesus. From that moment on, I have consecrated myself to GOD, and for the last 3 years, I have communed with my God, in my bedroom, 2020 - 2023 with song, praise and reading scripture, barely venturing out of my home except when absolutely necessary.
Since I became “born again” I have not worked and I do not have a regular income, but my Father has and keeps providing for my worldly needs, through the love, provision and help of other people. Therefore my pray is “Father, as you have blessed me through them, may they be blessed in turn”
Heavenly Father has blessed me with a business which Holy Spirit inspired me to call “Kingdom Apparel”. But it is not mine, it belongs to HIM! He is the founder, owner and CEO and I am just His steward, His humble servant. God is in this story in every detail. Truly I can testify that when we say yes to Jesus, He flings the door wide open, and no man can close it, for this is the Father’s will for us. GOD’s grace and favor is offered to each and every one of us, AMEN
For you my brothers and sisters who heeded the promptings of the Holy Spirit and sowed
seeds into Kingdom Apparel, I thank you and I praise God for you! "Father, hear my prayer for your children, who have in the past and will in the future, sow seeds into Kingdom Apparel, place the full armor of God upon them FATHER. May they burn for you JESUS, ignite in them OH LORD a burning fire, fill them with the HOLY SPIRIT. May they be filled with the love of KING JESUS, most importantly YAHWEH (I AM WHO I AM), EL ELYON (THE MOST HIGH GOD), EL SHADDAI (GOD ALMIGHTY). Amen!”
Please know that every item of apparel that is made, designed and sold by Kingdom Apparel is prayed over and blessed.
I pray for Father's abundant blessing and protection over you and your families.
Thank you for reading my testimony.
Kingdom Apparel
Daughter of the Most High King
Kingdom Entrepeneur
And they were calling to one another; "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory." ISAIAH 6:3
Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all round, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying. "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty; who was, and is, and is to come." REVELATION 4:8